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Additional Contextual Information about Jennifer Higdon

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

Apparently, Higdon has produced over 150 works including written piano sonatas, woodwind concertos, vocal pieces set. Kevin Berger ascertains that Higdon makes her music to be understood by everyone, so, one does not need to have a high intelligence in music to comprehend its meaning. Despite being a successful music composer in America today, when Higdon was attending college, she had no information about classical music. She listened to music from musicians like The Beatle, and Rolling Stone, among others, but she started to gain interest in composing concerto music while in college. Berger asserts that Higdon confesses that she is always motivated to explore new harmonies and genres in her compositions as she believes that music can change. In addition, Higdon says that to ensure her music is harmonious, she thinks about counterpoint, line, color and rhythm to know what musical instruments like flutes to integrate in her music.

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