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Social Context

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

Jennifer Higdon had no political influences in his composition, but was influenced by some individuals and goals. For instance, she confesses that because of her desire to learn new music, Higdon was determined to make music that all people could relate and comprehend. Moreover, Judith Bentley, her flute teacher, motivated her to always do her best. Higdon considers Ludwig van Beethoven, a German composer, as a role model because she says that when analyzing his sketches, he learned that he experienced challenges when writing them, which is an issue that she experiences too. Higdon indicates that if Beethoven was alive, she would ask about the process of making the Symphony No. 9, which is her favorite. The Blue Cathedral is her most personal composition because she composed it at a time of her brother’s death.

Beethoven's Symphony No.9

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